Ce pretenţii să mai ai când unii oameni nici măcar nu stiu cum să scrie. Este trist, foarte trist, dar nu avem ce face momentan, suntem blestemaţi să supravieţuim printre aceste obiecte fară conţinut.
duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009
Love living in Romania
Alone Apart
A sad song that i like to listen because of the great voice of Marketa Irglova...
miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009
November in Bucharest

i dance in tune with what i fear
to do adrenaline
completely rapt with what i hear
when passion colors everything
the songs i sing from way out there to deep within

A carnival of rust
On my feet i stand tonight, stand and step up to the light
an extraordinary man unbroken in the breaking light

forever after days, stand and make myself a crown
to the table i step alone, hold my own above the ground
take my shot under the light, heroes come a common way
pull myself into the sky, wrap me in the banner i made

Hiding underneath
Faint broken dreams
We find her weeping
Drunk on shadows and lost in life
Killing ourselves a kiss at a time
Devils dance while angels smile
Drunk on shadows and lost in life

No one can hurt you now in this haven safe and sound
no one can save you now from this grace you are drowning in

This fortress of tears
I've built from my fears for you
This fortress won't fall
I've built it strong for you
joi, 12 noiembrie 2009
My National obsession
Acum câteva luni o prietenă a mea mi-a recomandat o formaţie numită "The National". Am ascultat imediat ce mi-am scos melodiile de pe net şi am rămas complet uimit de această formaţie. Solistul formaţiei Matt Berninger are o voce obsedantă pentru mine. Aş da orice pentru o voce ca a sa. Ascult de acum, de vreo câteva luni şi constat ca orice aş face nu pot scăpa de această obsesie, această formaţie. Simt cum mă vaporizez la fiecare melodie a lor si mă recompun strop cu strop la finalul ei. Am incercat să găsesc albumele în magazine dar nu am găsit absolut nimic din păcate. So now know what my National obsession is.
Scurtă istorie despre formaţie: The National are a Brooklyn-based indie rock band formed in 1999 in Cincinnati, Ohio. The band's lyrics are written and sung by Matt Berninger in a distinctive, deep baritone. The rest of the band is composed of two pairs of brothers: Aaron and Bryce Dessner and Scott and Bryan Devendorf. Aaron plays guitar, bass and piano, Bryce plays guitar, Scott plays bass and guitar, and Bryan is the drummer. Padma Newsome, from sister band Clogs, often contributes strings, keyboards, and other arrangements and instrumental flourishes. Influences range from Bruce Springsteen to Tindersticks.
Iar acum câteva melodii:
Slipping Husband by The National