duminică, 31 ianuarie 2010

The Imaginarium


Christopher Plummer and Heath Ledger star in this quirky fantasy from director Terry Gilliam. When a deal with the devil comes due, the immortal Doctor Parnassus (Plummer) must renegotiate the pact to save his daughter. Now, with the help of his mystical theater troupe and a mysterious stranger, Parnassus attempts to right the wrongs of his past. The film is Ledger's last, with Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law all completing his role.


Tony:  Nothing is permanent, not even death. 
Tony: Can you put a price on your dreams?

Dr. Parnassus: Percy, what would I do without you?
Percy: Get a midget.

Mr. Nick: I don't suppose you're a... betting man, are ya Doc?

Dr. Parnassus: You can't stop a story being told.

Dr. Parnassus:  Your mother and I went away together, grew old, and one day she came to me and told me she was pregnant! Can you believe it, at sixty and pregnant. A miracle. 
Valentina: A miracle or a mistake? 
Dr. Parnassus: You were the best mistake I ever made.

Tony: If Doctor Parnassus can really control people's mind, why isn't he ruling the world,then? Eh? Why bother with this little... side show?
Anton: 'Side show'? He don't... he don't want to rule the world. He wants the world to rule itself!

In the memory of Heat Ledger

"Everybody wanted the movie to get made for Heath, there's no question - the actors and the director. The actors did it for Terry and did it for Heath."
--William Vince, Producer
April 19, 2008

"Johnny's a friend, and he loved Heath, and he's always been there when I needed him. So I called Johnny to see if he could do it and he said 'I'm in. Done.'"
-- Terry Gilliam
Empire Magazine
March 2009

"None of us wanted to be there, of course - myself, Jude (Law) and Johnny (Depp) - but it was about getting Heath's last work out. It was about fulfilling something that I think Heath would have wanted: finishing Terry's film. We did it. It was a very strange experience that was at turns both incredibly sad and wonderful. As it happens sometimes when people pass on, they bring together those they leave behind. Heath, in his passing, brought together a bunch of people. What would have been just a purely painful environment was not. There was a kind of celebration of Heath's life. It was extraordinarily bittersweet to be part of it."
--Colin Farrell
October 25, 2008

joi, 21 ianuarie 2010

Winter has returned

The sun's getting cold, It's snowing
Looks like an Late Winter for us

It looks like an Early Winter for us
It hurts & I can't remember sunlight

The Wind is freezin all around
Dirty snow keeps falling down

Im still here and you are gone
The city is cold and winter has come

Im running down the icey streets
Trying to catch the last ??

Stumbling on my tired feet
Chasing down the summer street

I remember the truth
A warm December with you

The walk has all been cleared by now
Your voice is all I hear somehow
Calling out winte

Jesus knocking on my door
Late last night and early this morning
Window glass, rusted and weary

Try to wait for the sky to fall
It's kind of hard not to see it all
Whisper a song of winter in your heart

Dead end street, just out my back door
I heard what's seen, a young girl laughing
Now raindrops fall away like souls
I wondered if she ever heard mine dying

luni, 4 ianuarie 2010

Train Trip

Întorcându-mă în Bucureşti după 3 zile petrecute acasă am decis împreună cu prietenul meu şi cu colegul de cameră, care veniseră în vizită, să mergem cu trenul. Bineînţeles, a fost o decizie tare proastă fiindcă, ca de obicei trenul a avut întârziere. Dar pe de o parte a fost foarte fain pentru că am avut o companie de nota 10, jucând cărţi şi multe alte jocuri idioate ca să ne ţină ocupaţi, râzând până la epuizare de prostiile care puteau ieşi din gurile noastre. Dar cel mai şi cel mai important lucru pe care vreau să vi-l dezvălui este duma spusă de o bătrânica care stătea în apropierea noastră. Totul a început când aceasta s-a băgat în vorbă cu o doamnă care avea un copil. Bătrânica întreabă la un moment dat dacă seamană copilul şi cu soţul acesteia. Ea zice ca da seamăna cu amândoi, na ca doar amândoi au participat. Iar bătrânica dupa un moment de gândire profundă ajunge la concluzia urmatoare :

" A păi.. dacă dumneavoastră semănaţi cu copilul şi copilul seamănă cu soţtul dumneavoastră, înseamnă că soţul dumneavoastră semană cu dumneavoastră "

A fost un moment unic, mai ales să poţi vedea figura bătrânicii care era absolut convinsă că ceea ce afirmase ea este foarte plauzibil! Măcar are şi CFR-ul partea lui faină uneori.