duminică, 10 mai 2009

Political Animals

Politica din Romania sucks la propriu si la figurat. Din punct de vedere politic suntem de tot rasul, ma si mir ca ne-au primit U.E. in 2007. Motivele pentru care ne-au primit sunt inca necunoscute de catre mine. Marii oameni politici, acum, probabil se simt foarte importanti, doar ce naiba suntem in U.E, dar sunt atat de incompetenti incat atrag doar disgratia continua a tarilor importante, si nu fonduri. Al naibii sa fie ei daca nu sunt in stare sa faca un proiect care sa ajute tara asta, care se duce de rapa. Incep sa detest ca locuiesc in Romania, datorita lor, incep sa detest populatia care e atat de oarba incat nu isi da seama ca inca suntem condusi de niste comunisti. Nu reusesc sa inteleg ce mai cauta toate aceste persoane dubiose la conducere, care dupa mine ne fac de ras mai ceva ca tiganii si toti cei care se duc la furat in strainatare, prin incultura lor. Ah si inca un lucru care il mai detesc e toata valva asta care se face de sarbatori ca 1 mai cand se tot pune accent pe micii si sarmalele si carnatii lor oferiti GRATUIT, de parca asta ne-ar salva de la dezastru. Desigur ne baga numai "carnati" pe gat si multe altele la fiecare alegeri. Eu unul as prefera sa fie unu care promite putin, nu sa ma duca cu zaharelu. Dar se pare ca romanilor le place sa fie mintiti. Si cu asta va las sa asc o melodie superba de la Grimus care arata oarecum cum e politica din Romania : "...manipulate your victim, promote your inconsistence, monkey around with business...We don't mean no harm to anyone, we're just here to help you build a home , Don't be scared of our guns and uniforms, all you have to do is vote for us..."

Grimus - Political Animals
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica »

Anticlockwise, we move along the same lies
Financial obligations
Female domestic servants
Mumbo-jumbo, meaningless words in talk shows
Political animals, trying to mess with us

It's a solitary time of our lives
Only I know things will be fine
For a revelation ready to fight
Take your hands off me, you have no right
You have no right

I feel sorry, out of the ordinary
I wish you didn't vomit
It really matters to me
Join the system, manipulate your victim
Promote your inconsistence, monkey around with business

Will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister
And perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science

We don't mean no harm to anyone
We're just here to help you build a home
Don't be scared of our guns and uniforms
All you have to do is vote for us

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